fireworks 1 1

Resolutions Revisited

You’ve heard of Christmas in July. Well, how about New Year’s? July 1 is half way through the year so I thought it was a perfect time to revisit my New Year’s Resolutions (plus there are fireworks just like January) and see how I am doing.

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tent in shade1 1 29

Quick to Complain

When we got our tent assignments at Philmont Scout Camp, I was quick to complain. Our tents were on the very end of the tent city and our doors opened to the parking lot. I was worried about keeping Locke out of the road and the cars waking him up. I was also a little bummed to be on the fringe of the community instead of right in the middle of all the action.

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Ang Sawtooth Relay 1 22

The Great Divide

The world is divided into runners and non-runners. And it seems like more and more people are on the running side. Everyone is doing a 5K, a half-marathon, a triathlon…except me. I am on the non-running side of the great divide. I have never been a runner and I am pretty sure I never will be.

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Chad, the Dad

All Chad wanted for Father’s Day was a nap. Well, he got his nap (his movie gift basket, his french toast with white bread, his bbq hamburgers, his chocolate chip cookies, and his cards and notes from the kids), but while he was sleeping I wanted to dedicate a post to Chad, the Dad:

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A Child’s Funeral

My sister looked at me in the hospital and asked, “Will you be the funeral coordinator?” I told her I was already on it. Beck died a few hours later. I couldn’t grieve then, I went immediately into planning mode. I knew I couldn’t take away my sister’s pain, but I could plan a perfect funeral for her and Beck. Since it was a child’s funeral and there would be lots of kids around, I wanted to make sure the funeral was kid friendly. The collective family brain went to work.

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On Motherhood and God {Wrap Up}

Well, I am wrapping up my series “On Motherhood and God”. I am not really sure how it went over with my readers or if I’ll ever do something like this again, but I will finish what I started with a concluding post:

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