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I Heart September

Yeah!! It’s September which is officially my favorite month. Here are all the reasons I heart September:

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Philmont Scout Camp

A lot of times my husband’s responsibilities at church feel like a burden. That negative feeling probably peaks at around 11:30 am on Sunday when I am wrestling four little kids by myself in Sacrament Meeting. Then we were invited to go to Philmont Scout Camp in Cimmaron, New Mexico:

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Share Bear

I grew up in a good home with great parents. But despite all the love, it felt like we were in competition rather than on the same team. It didn’t feel like there were many kudos or celebrations of greatness. I felt like I had to keep every accomplishment under-estimated so as not to hurt another siblings feelings.

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How to Eat Corn on the Cob

Summer is winding down and so is corn on the cob season. ( Boo! Nothing is better than corn straight from the cob.) So I thought I better cover “How to Eat Corn on the Cob” while there is still a little time left:

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End of Summer Party

Since my BIL decided to get married the week school started we had to delay our “Back to School Party” and change it to our “End of Summer Party” instead. Here is what is in the works for our “End of Summer Party”:

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Imperfectly Perfect

I was 8 months pregnant with Croft and I had to give a talk in church one Sunday morning at 9 am. I had to wake Crew up to get him ready for church. He was tired and grouchy and didn’t appreciate the early wake-up. As I tried to take off his Cars pajamas, he kicked and screamed and thrashed about.

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