A Different Easter

Easter for me used to be mostly about bunnies, baskets, eggs and candy, but this year Easter is different. The timing is special and the focus has changed.  See my nephew, Beck, passed away 1 year ago this Easter weekend.  He died from complications from pneumonia.

After experiencing death so close and unexpected, eggs, candy, bunnies and baskets take a back seat to what is most important.  And what is most important about Easter is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

So this year we will be doing the ‘fun’ Easter activities on Saturday.  I emailed the Easter bunny and asked if he would come visit us on Saturday.  We figured he wouldn’t mind lightening his Sunday load anyway.  We will also do our Easter egg hunt and egg coloring on Saturday. I have heard about other families doing this before, but I just thought they were weird.  Well, I guess I’m ready to be weird.

Easter Sunday will be less busy; and I am looking forward to time to reflect and relax with less fluff and fanfare.  The day will be about remembering and celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We will get dressed in our Sunday best and go to church; my little sister is actually speaking so I know we will hear about Christ.  After church we will have a nice Easter brunch with family.  Later, we will visit Beck’s grave and we will talk about Beck and how, because Jesus Christ was resurrected, Beck will be resurrected too. When you have lost someone you love, nothing, is more important than knowing that we will live again.   And that’s what Easter is really about.

10 thoughts on “A Different Easter”

  1. Wow. Love it! So glad you shared, and you are not weird at all, I couldn’t agree more. You are doing amazing things over here at raising lemons, thanks for the reminder. Please give your sister my love.

  2. Tiff this is beautiful and well said. Thank you for sharing and reminding us all about what’s important and why we celebrate Easter. Give Chelsea my love and have a wonderful Easter with your wonderful family! love you

  3. This post is perfect for honoring your sweet nephew and for reminding everyone that families can be together forever because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. This is perfect for Easter weekend! Lots of love to you and your ENTIRE family!

  4. I am so happy you did this post too. My kids always ask me where Beck is now so it will be great to talk about him this Easter with them and talk about the resurrection. Give Chelsea lots of hugs from me this weekend.

  5. You have turned into such a wonderful woman and I love reading your blog. I am proud of you and Chelsea and how two great young women turned into such women of substance.

  6. Loved every word of it! So true. Question is if I can get my act together before tomorrow and follow your example. I had no idea you had a nephew that passed away. Thanks so much for this post and for your example! Happy Easter! 🙂

  7. I have been thinking about Chelsea this week. what a great idea, and what a great way to teach the kids about the true meaning of easter. thanks for sharing!!

  8. Thank you for posting this. Even though I can’t help but bawl my eyes out. I needed to hear this story again this week and about the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. So Thank You!

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