lunch meat 1 29

What’s Lunch Without a Sandwich?

Remember I am trying to make small healthy improvements to our 5 standard lunches. I improved our pizza here and our mac and cheese here, and the next lunch to healthify was the basic sandwich. I mean what’s a lunch menu without a sandwich?

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things to do notes 1 22

Things to Do

I was reading a blog post last week about how “Busy” is the new “Fine”. When you used to ask people how they were doing they would say “Fine”, but now the common reply is “Busy”. I laughed because I have heard myself say the same thing. Anyway, we are all busy and have lots to do, so I thought I would share with you my way of keeping it together — My way of getting things done while maintaining priorities.

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made bed 1 14

Crew’s Biggest Mistake

The biggest mistake Crew ever made was to surprise me one morning with two beautifully made beds complete with fluffed pillows, tucked sheets and folded blankets. Why is this a mistake you ask?

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locke love 600 1 9

Is it Too Much To Ask?

I don’t need breakfast in bed, flowers, or special gifts for Mother’s Day. Here are 10 gifts I would take instead. Is it too much to ask?

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mac kraft 1 24

Goodbye Old Friend

I am working on improving my kids’ lunches. That meant it was time to say goodbye to my old friend, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. She saw me through many late nights and busy days in college. I remember one day in particular.

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war bins 1 17

War Room

I was fascinated by their “war rooms”- whole rooms dedicated to temporary projects. These rooms start out as empty and then when the company lands an account or a project, the team takes over the room with vision boards, models, brainstorming sessions, design ideas, prototypes, etc. When the project is over they clean it out and the room moves on to the next project.

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