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Family Challenges

Last September our family did a Technology Detox. We shared the same goal, the same vision, the same plan, and the same frustrations. I enjoyed us all working together to better our family. I found it rewarding and enlightening to be united in purpose and action. So for 2016 our…

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Nailed It

I have to say I think I nailed family pictures this year. And I think I nailed family pictures because I approached them differently than I had in years past. I didn’t need to remember a gorgeous location or coordinated outfits. I didn’t need perfection; I just needed record of these people, at this time, at this age, with these faces.

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The Grass is Greener

It’s easy for me to get down on homeschooling. Being on duty all day, having no down-time, being responsible for every subject, playing referee, worrying if I am doing enough, and finding evidence of school in every room can take its toll. The grass starts to look greener on the public school side of the fence.

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Technology DeTox

As I mentioned in my blog post, Stealing My Joy, I roped my family into a Technology DeTox for the month of September – where we gave up certain forms of technology for the month. Every one in the family participated –from the kindergartner to the business man. Now some might…

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Stealing My Joy

I had the realization about a month ago that technology was STEALING my mothering joy right out of my heart and right out of my home. I realized that when I walk into a room and see one of my children on some kind of technology I often have a reaction…

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We Are Important

I got to spend 7 days in Hawaii with my hubby. It was heaven. My college-age niece came and stayed with my kids for the week at our house. I had her cook meals, clean house, drive carpool, and do homeschool. As I typed up the week’s schedule for her,…

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