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Pseudo Passions

I’m not happy with my blog post today. It has way more questions than it does answers. It is just my raw, uncut worries at this point with no real conclusions. I’d hoped that by writing about my concerns I might be able to find some clarity, but this time I haven’t been able to tie everything neatly up in a little bow by the end.

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Serving Mom

If there were such a thing as homeschool police, I could have been busted yesterday. My kids did little to no school work. They played outside all morning and then served mom in the afternoon.

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Another Side to Compassion

I’m in charge of a dinner and program tonight for 60 women. I was down all day Sunday with some kind of stomach bug. Yesterday, I got a text from a friend that said, “Hey, I know you’re not feeling awesome. Can I help you out tomorrow?” I thought about how to reply for at least three minutes.

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Learning Lifeskills

In addition to my kids’ regular morning routine and daily responsibilities, I like to give them a “lifeskill” to do most days in our homeschool curriculum.

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The Blessings of Kindergarten

Sometimes I have viewed the timing of Kindergarten as a pain in the butt. I can’t really get anything done in the morning before they go or in the afternoon before they get home. I can’t make all day plans and it can be hard to get momentum with so many stops and starts to my day. But this year I have seen Kindergarten differently.

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March Challenge: Preparedness

It’s a new month and that means a new family challenge! My husband and I tossed around the idea of focusing on gratitude for the month — playing off of St. Patrick’s Day and luck. We also thought about focusing on mental health since we have some struggles in our home right now. And the alliteration of Mental Health March almost convinced me to do it. But in the end, my husband and I decided we wanted our March Family Focus to be Preparedness.

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