
I have really struggled over my resolution word this year.  I was trying to force M.O.V.E. but it just wasn’t feeling right.  So I started Jan. 1 without a word, but I did things anyway that I wanted to improve like exercising, organizing, reading the Book of Mormon and being thrifty.

Luckily, yesterday in the shower, my word finally came to me and it encompassed all my smaller goals.

My resolution word for 2012 is


(I got this idea from Jennifer, one of my readers.  Thanks!)

Here is what STRENGTHEN means to me this year and here is my action plan:

STRENGTHEN body– Exercise a minimum of 4 times a week.  I am committed to yoga and I am trying a new exercise called Cross Fit. I know what days I am going and I even have babysitters lined up!

STRENGTHEN relationships– Basically I just want to care about others more. I have a plan but I don’t want to tell you because you just might be one of the relationships I am trying to strengthen.

STRENGTHEN testimony– My new ward has invited us to read The Book of Mormon this year so I am going to accept that invitation.  They gave me a reading schedule and chart.  And my mom gave me “The Book of Mormon Made Easier. Volume 1” for Christmas so it has been interesting to use that for additional insights and explanations. I have carved out 6:30-7:00 am to complete this goal.

STRENGTHEN finances– Save! Save! by doing one small thrifty thing a day.  (I have an upcoming post on this.)

STRENGTHEN home– Organize/dejunk one basket or area a week.  Today was the sippy cup basket; tomorrow is the storage room.  This is very doable since I just moved and went through a lot of junk all ready, but there is still more to do.  I am going to tackle one box at a time.

I am excited to STRENGTHEN myself in the new year in my new home– with my new ward, my new word, and new goals! It is not too late to pick a word and go with it for 2012.  There is nothing magical about Jan. 1.  Jan. 10th works too.

4 thoughts on “Strengthen”

  1. While I don’t officially pick a word each year, I’ve seen this idea on a couple of blogs I enjoy and have thought about what mine would be. I’ve decided on CONTENT. I want to be more content with what I have and with who I am. I don’t need to do, buy, eat, or make something just because someone else does. I think this will help me to save money, simplify, and work to improve my own gifts and talents. It’s going to be a great year! 🙂

  2. Love your word and would love to hear ideas to strengthen our husbands. I recently read something by John Bytheway and he discusses this…it’s not my 2012 word, but I want to do more of this! Happy 2012 to you!!

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