Perils of Pinterest

I joined Pinterest two months ago, but I didn’t get around to pinning my first idea until last week.  (I wanted to keep this finger painting  idea as an idea for F week.)

And then I pinned another and another and a half hour later the table was still not set and I had no vegetable ready to go with my enchiladas.  Not to mention I felt depressed.  I have been reluctant to return to the dangerous land of Pinterest since.

You see I am in a moral dilemma.  Although I see all the good in Pinterest,  I also see the bad.  Maybe I am a pessimist at heart, but to me Pinterest is women living in the future instead of living in the now.

When I see tags like “my future bedroom” or “someday” I kind of go a little crazy. I don’t care what you want to be, I care what you are.

I also feel that Pinterest fuels discontent.  My house, my wardrobe, my kids’ parties, my closets all the sudden aren’t good enough and there is something better– way better– out there.  My real life is never going to compare to those perfectly lit photographs on Pinterest and not only have I wasted an hour, but I feel crappier about my life and myself too.

And my last gripe against Pinterest is that it is passive and not active. My friend, Kelsie, over at Love, Kelsie Rae made this wise graphic:

The hour I spent pinning what my armoire could look like painted, I could have actually been painting the d@%# thing.  Pinterest almost paralyzes me to start the project because what if I find a better idea out there.

So although, I see merit in gaining inspiration and gathering ideas and dreaming, there can be too much.  I am sure I will continue to pin as a file system or a vision board, but I will watch myself and my time and make sure that I am creating and doing much more than I am pinning.  I want to be in my life now, not just waiting for my future.  And I want to be happy and content with what is my reality.

4 thoughts on “Perils of Pinterest”

  1. Remember that your “reality” is something that others look up to, and aspire to already!! Some were given much less to start. ps. Not sure what pinning is 😉

  2. OH my heavens, this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny to me. I couldn’t agree with you more. It is like the mall, I only go there if I need something.

    I went, I pinned, I coveted, I dreamed, I lost.

    I’m so much happier just being content. It is a sad, sad world when dreams are made up of boots, scarfs, kitchens, sofa’s and desserts. (Okay, I like the desserts part.)

    Love you Lemon!

  3. Agree, agree, agree! I was a little bit addicted for the first couple of months and would spend hours making my little folders and filling them with pretty pictures! I just can’t be bothered so much now, it feels like a waste of time.
    I guess part of it is that back then we were renting and now we’ve bought a house, so instead of decorating in my head, I do in in real life.

  4. I love Pinterest for sparking my creativity. I have found a lot of great organizing ideas, new foods to cook, activities to do with my kids, new crochet projects, etc. I have a dream bedroom board because I am going to be remodeling my room and furniture soon so I use it to pin ideas.

    Sure I have a board full of shoes I could never afford, but that doesn’t depress me. I couldn’t afford them before Pinterest and I still looked at them in the dept. stores and other websites. I just really like shoes.

    Yeah, I probably spend more time looking at stuff than actually doing stuff, but if I wasn’t wasting time on Pinterest, I’d just be wasting it somewhere else. At least this way my creativity is being sparked while I’m wasting time.

    Pinterest is only negative if you make it that way.

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