Happiness Is…

I just picked my first garden tomato of the season and ate it with some cottage cheese.  I love to eat tomatoes on my scrambled eggs, cheese toast, tacos, sandwiches, cottage cheese, salads and pizza.  I plan on basically eating tomatoes every day from now until October.  And I am excited to can spaghetti sauce for my 3rd year in a row. In short, happiness is garden tomatoes.

15 years ago I never would have thought a simple tomato would be happiness.  I am pretty sure I thought happiness had to do with lots of money, good looks, amazing talent, or a hot guy.  But now I know, happiness is about much smaller things.

To me, at this time of my life, Happiness Is…

Knowing what’s for dinner before 5:00pm

Chad/Dad walking through the front door

Nap time

Having fresh vegetables in the crisper


Leaving for vacation with the house clean, the floors vacuumed, and trash emptied

Snuggles and kisses and hugs

Reading together

A hot bath

The perfect paint color

Working with my hubby in the yard

A good TV show

The last load of laundry

It is interesting to me how (besides family and friends) happiness changes over the years as our place in life changes. And happiness is different for everyone.

What Is your Happiness?

7 thoughts on “Happiness Is…”

  1. I was thinking about this last night as I was bouncing from soccer game to baseball practice to another soccer game and on to a gymnastics meeting…happiness for me yesterday was sitting at the ball park on a nice night and watching my kids succeed and smile.

  2. I actually just picked my first tomato two days ago and thought of you. Because you taught me to eat tomatoes on cheese toast, and today I am planning on doing just that. And that tomato also made me happy.
    A lunch with girlfriends, going to get Lily out of her crib after a nap, a smiling baby, and over-thinking a banner with my sister-in-laws.

  3. Fridays @ 4pm, a clean house, any vegetable from the garden, eating food that someone else made 🙂

  4. Happiness is a perfect paint color, and an over-thought banner with sister-in-laws, and sister-in-laws who love you enough to be in a family photo when they are 8&9 months pregnant. Oh and the smell of fresh laundry.

  5. happiness for me is to sit with a good book. or to have a good laugh with friends. but i think we all need to think back on our life i find out what truly will make us happy not only in the moment but for years to come.

  6. Happiness to me is…kids laughter, a clean bathed baby in jammies, good book, kiss from hubby, clean house, organized closets, a cup of hot chocolate, family pizza/movie night and warm morning hugs.

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