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Kids 72-hour Kits

My sister-in-law and I had been talking for weeks about how we needed to update or 72-hour kits. Nothing like an earthquake and tsunami in another part of the world to shock (pardon my pun) us into action. When I watched the news coverage, I knew I was not prepared if something were to happen here, And I couldn’t bear the thought of 4 little kids hanging on my leg hungry. I talked to my sister-in-law that night and we got to work:

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Choose Your Own Birthday

My husband’s birthday was yesterday and on Friday he accused me of forgetting his birthday. Now how you can ‘forget’ something that hasn’t even happened yet, I don’t understand, but he was sure I forgot about him. Well, he ate crow on his birthday when I busted out my present : “Choose Your Own Birthday”:

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Manner #14: Elbow Etiquette

This week’s table manner is the most difficult one yet for my husband and me! I would much prefer to slouch and rest my elbows on the table, but the kiddos are watching intently!

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Healthy Holiday

I hope to work in some healthy food choices on a day filled with Lucky Charms, chocolate gold coins, Rolos, green shamrock waffles, and green buttermilk syrup. I did these rainbow fruit kabobs last year and they were a big {healthy} hit.

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Manner #13: Using Your Spoon

I set the table as normal (with a spoon on the right,) but I also set a spoon above the plate. The kids were intrigued by the mystery spoon above the plate. I let them make predictions about the “new” spoon.

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Bachelor Confession

I have a confession to make: I watch ” The Bachelor”. Now I am not proud of this; in fact I am ashamed, and I vow every season finale never to watch it again. But some how I get suckered in each time, and I justify it by folding a week’s worth of laundry while I watch the show so at least I am being productive.

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