I believe in the Law of 2 to 3 Witnesses.
The law states that by out of the mouth of 2 to 3 witnesses everything shall be established. This basically means that truth will come from more than one source- from 2 or 3 places or people. I think the principle is generally used in scriptural context, but I see it in my every day life.
The Law of 2 to 3 Witnesses generally manifests when I am seeking answers to something – when I need help.
I had my first experience with my 2 to 3 witnesses several years ago. I was thinking a lot about exercise and what I should do. I hated exercise, but yet I knew it was good for me, so I wanted to find what was right for my body and my spirit. After pondering and praying on this question for awhile, I had 3 events that happened within a few days of each other.
One, I watched an Oprah on yoga.
Two, my friend called me to invite Chad and me to a couples’ date night yoga.
Three, my mom called and invited me to a class her Relief Society was having on yoga.
These were three unrelated events yet all related to yoga, and they happened within a week of each other. I felt like I finally found my answer to my exercise dilemma. God had answered my question through 3 different avenues that aligned into one answer. Yoga.
After I was aware of the possibility of 2 to 3 witnesses in my life, I started to see the law in more places.
A few summers ago, I was really struggling with Locke. He was not sleeping well; he was really grouchy and out of control. Within a few weeks, I came across helpful information from 3 different sources:
One, Locke’s speech teacher mentioned that snoring is not normal for kids and that we should get his tonsils checked. (We did and the doctor said they were the biggest tonsils he had ever seen in a kid.)
Two, my mom (not knowing of the conversation with the speech teacher) saw a TV show on how getting tonsils out contributes to kids getting off Ritalin. Their behavior actually improved once their tonsils were removed.
Three, Chad read an article in the newspaper about the same topic.
We were intrigued; did some more research; consulted with our doctor, and long story short, because of these 3 different “witnesses”, Locke got his tonsils out. I wish I could say he was a perfect angel now, but we did see marked improvement in his sleep and in his behavior.
My latest experience with 2 to 3 witnesses came last weekend.
I spent all day Saturday in bed. I wasn’t sick; I was just down and completely out of energy. “Bleeding”, if you will. As I laid there, I knew I had to change something in my life. I knew I needed to start yoga again. Before we moved I was doing it 4 to 5 days a week. But since the move, I hadn’t been able to find a new routine. I didn’t know where to go; I didn’t know when to go (homeschooling complicates exercise for sure), and I wondered about the money I would spend.
This time I wasn’t pondering on what exercise to do, but how to pull it off. I implored God to give me answers.
My 3 witnesses came over the course of the weekend.
First, I took action. I posted a question on our town’s Facebook page about yoga classes. I got replies and looked up all the places, times, classes and fees. I wrote everything down and tried to see what classes would work best with my schedule. Of my two yoga options, neither one was perfect with my availability. A lightbulb went off when I realized I could go to more than one studio and just hit the classes in each studio that worked best for my schedule. I didn’t have to choose one over the other.
Second, we talked about physical fitness in Relief Society on Sunday. We read the talk about Spiritual Confidence and I honed in on this part:
“Take responsibility for your own physical well-being.Your soul consists of your body and spirit. Feeding the spirit while neglecting the body, which is a temple, usually leads to spiritual dissonance and lowered self-esteem. If you are out of shape, if you are uncomfortable in your own body and can do something about it, then do it! Elder Russell M. Nelson has taught that we should “regard our body as a temple of our very own” and that we should “control our diet and exercise for physical fitness” … regularly give your body the exercise it needs and deserves. If you are physically able, decide today to be the master of your own house and begin a regular, long-term exercise program, suited to your abilities, combined with a healthier diet. Spiritual confidence increases when your spirit, with the help of the Savior, is truly in charge of your natural man or woman.”
Having a spiritual reason and permission to start yoga again gave me the extra boost I needed to get going.
Third, Chad gave me a blessing Sunday night. The blessing was actually planned before my day in bed, and I hadn’t talked to Chad much about my concerns or the Sunday lesson, but in his blessing he mentioned taking time to exercise again. He said the kids would be fine without me, and he also specifically mentioned not to worry about money which was a direct answer to one of my concerns.
Long story short, I went to my first yoga class on Monday and hit 4 more the rest of the week. I feel like a new woman.
The information on yoga and tonsils and exercise had always been out there. But I was finally seeking to find it, and the universe brought it to me in twos and threes.
We all have questions and dilemmas and problems in our lives. Some are small and some are huge.
Maybe you are wondering what to do about your child’s education.
Maybe you are dealing with a health issue.
Maybe you have a finance question.
Maybe you are struggling with an addiction.
Maybe you have some dilemmas in your marriage.
Maybe parenting a particular child is kicking your butt.
Whatever the quandary, seek and pray for guidance and then look for your answers in all kinds of places.
While answers may come through prayer, temple meditation, scripture stories or Conference talks, truth can also be found in magazine articles, blog posts, conversations with friends, discussions with professionals, television shows, Facebook comments, talks on the internet, shared experiences, and advice from sister-in-laws.
Truth is manifested in so many ways. Don’t limit the ways God can answer your prayers.
Don’t see these blimps of help as coincidences. See them as 2 to 3 witnesses working together to give you the answers you need.
Now I’m signing off to go get ready for yoga 🙂
Isn’t it funny how this happens? I find it all the time in my life as well. Lately it has been with my little girls lazy eye. I’ve seen two dr. (both with completely opposite opinions of what to do… like one said do nothing.. one said we need to do surgery) But I have also run into several women who have had experience with this. It’s just interesting how Heavenly Father uses others to help us figure some things out. 🙂 Thanks for the thoughts.
I 100% believe this to be true. Ever since you pointed it out to me a year or so ago, i have paid closer attention and its amazing how God (and his sweet little angels) work to lead and guide us down the right paths. And good job starting yoga back up again.
I rarely leave comments, so here goes 🙂
Thank you. I have read a few of your posts. I have felt so thankful for your insight and wisdom. I have recently started homeschooling my daughter. I can relate in many ways. I loved this post about 2-3 witnesses. This is profound. I have found some answers in unusual places. Thank you and keep writing 🙂
Thanks, Jana, for your comment and encouragement. Best of luck with homeschooling.