It’s a miracle! We managed to do M week right after L week. No months of waiting this time.
And can I just say that Mr. M is one of my favorite letters. There are a million ideas for M.
Besides making my homemade macaroni we also tried muffins— twice. I tried two different healthy muffin recipes: this one and an oat bran muffin recipe from my friend. My kids didn’t like either one.
And I blame Costco. Costco has ruined the normal expectation of a muffin with their mega, moist, morph of a muffin. Let’s face it. They are really cupcakes marketed as muffins. No wonder my whole wheat, honey, applesauce, non-processed muffins couldn’t compete. But despite my missteps, I am still on a mission to find a healthy muffin my kids will actually eat.
Keeping in line with our mission to use Letter of the Week as a means to try healthier foods, Chad and I also made “Mango-licious Talapia”. I made a mango salsa and Chad grilled up some fish marinated in orange rind and red pepper. Then we married the two. It was meant to be if you ask me. Chad, Elle and I thought it was mouth watering good. Crew, Croft and Locke would only try the mango and even that they spit out. More for me I guess.
(If anyone wants this recipe, let me know.)
The Letter Gods smiled down and gave us a Minimal Monday where the kids go to school for a short day. So Croft went to the movie with mom (and Crew and Locke.) This is all I got:
You could also go to the mall or a museum or McDonalds.
We love doing mosaics around here. A mosaic is ” a picture of pattern produced my arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass”. Or in our case foam.
You can buy pre-cut mosaic kits at craft stores and toy stores or you can make your own by ripping up small pieces of construction paper. Here is Croft working on her mosaic.
If you want a few M worksheets click here and here.
M week is over and we are moving on, but memories were made! Mission accomplished.
That mango salsa sounds good! I’d love the recipe. My girls favorite ‘healthy’ muffins are pumpkin. I add raisins and sometimes chocolate chips (they make it a yummy dessert 🙂