Today is my hubby’s birthday so he deserves a birthday compliment:
I love my husband because he visits people. And not because he has too, but because he actually wants to. He is a thoughtful man.
He went to see an old man in the hospital who had fallen and broken his hip. The old man died 2 weeks later.
He visited a young married man who got in a pretty bad mountain biking accident and tore his face open.
He visited a teenager who had been in a motorcycle accident and broke his legs and wrists.
He visited a sick grandma in our neighborhood.
And I love my husband even more because he often takes my children along on these visits. I appreciate that my kids get the opportunity to meet new people, see life as it can really be, and learn to be compassionate. (And since I usually stay home with Locke while he takes a nap, I get some time to a quiet house. It’s a win/win!)
Over the last year or so my husband and kids have visited…
an elderly couple and watched while the husband fed the wife through feeding tubes
a lady bed-ridden with cancer
a friend that had foot surgery and was laid up for weeks. They made her cards and drew her pictures before they went over.
If Locke is awake, I get to go with them on these visits.
We took homemade donuts to say thank-you to our friends who sit with us at church.
We took banana bread to some new neighbors and cookies to another family that just moved in.
And just last Sunday we visited an elderly couple who lives behind us. The wife had a stroke months earlier and was finally back home.
Chad has taught our family that there is always someone who needs a visit. And I appreciate that he isn’t afraid to take our kids with him. They have been given opportunities to learn compassion, gratitude, tolerance, and conversation skills. And they have seen human frailty, as well as examples of service, kindness and unselfishness.
Happy Birthday to my special guy and our favorite dad!
That is how I learned to be comfortable with older people and with disabled people–I visited nursing homes with my grandpa on Sunday afternoons. He loved it and was so good at lifting their spirits. Good job Chad!
He also brought the kids to visit a new mom that needed company with a warm meal from you. Visits are great for ALL parties involved. What a great example.