Summer Bucket List

Ready or not, summer is only a few weeks away! I wanted to start posting some ideas to help us not only survive, but enjoy summer with our kids home from school.  And my single best idea of last summer was our family’s Summer Bucket List.  Because it was so successful, we are doing it again this year.

Photo courtesy of Kelsie Rae Photography

We sat down as a family and brainstormed all of the things we wanted to do this summer.  Everything from a snow cone across the street to a week long family Scout camp.  Everyone wrote down their ideas on a posterboard.  We had some repeats from last summer and some new frontiers.

I plan to hang this year’s list right in the kitchen to remind us and motivate us.  Last year we were all determined to complete as much as we could.  Some days when we had a free afternoon, we would look at our bucket list and get an idea of what to do.  Then of course, after the activity, we had to cross it off.

Photo courtesy of Kelsie Rae Photography

As you can see, we had so much fun last summer (and into the fall) and did almost everything we wanted to.  We plan to have the same fun (and motivation) this summer.  What will be on your family’s summer bucket list?

4 thoughts on “Summer Bucket List”

  1. Ashlee Erickson

    Yes, please come to our house and play! We have an awesome slip-n-slide to try out!!

  2. Our boys are already asking about our summer bucket list and bringing up things we didn’t get to last year. This is a fun motivating activity. I’m tempted to just write have a baby, and sleep. 🙂 Good luck at Philmont! It was fun way back when I went.

  3. Bethany Maughan

    Yay for summer!! Thank you for the cute idea. I’m excited to make a bucket list with Sterling!

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