Chad was out of town for a couple of weeks in January and I couldn’t face rounding up the 4 kids by myself to go do a big service project. Plus I felt like my new house was its own service project.
So we opted for a different kind of Service Saturday in January.
Chad’s cousin’s little girl, Dru, is 5 years old and she has been battling cancer and illness since she was a baby. She just recently received a lung transplant, so we decided we would send her a package.
We sat down on rainy Saturday afternoon and colored pictures and wrote letters for Dru. I was babysitting my sister’s kids while she was in Hawaii so we wrangled them in also.
All of the kids were way into it and they drew lots of pictures.
We had heard that Dru liked dragons, dinosaurs and monsters. Crew was especially glad to oblige.
Some of the kids also wrote letters.
I even joined in the fun.
As we were finishing, I read the kids an email update on Dru and we learned that we were doing this Service Saturday on her actual birthday! It was a fun exclamation point to our day.
So often we think that service has to be manual labor. We have to rake leaves or make dinner or help someone move, but kind words and notes and letters of love are service too- just as special and just as important.