It’s about Ego
So much of parenting is about ego. When Elle was in kindergarten she had to bring a spotlight poster on her birthday. I went to town. I wanted to do something unique and of course, cute. (Insert ego here!)
So much of parenting is about ego. When Elle was in kindergarten she had to bring a spotlight poster on her birthday. I went to town. I wanted to do something unique and of course, cute. (Insert ego here!)
My SIL, Laura, had her first baby two months ago. She worked so hard to put together a cute nursery based on this inspiration. After months of working and waiting, it was time to put the nursery together, but it didn’t go as planned.
I don’t care what other people say, looks matter. I know it’s what inside that counts most, but there is something to a pretty outside too.
I have been house hunting for about two months now and I have learned much about myself (and it hasn’t been pretty).
I have a gift giving complex and my insecurities peak this time each year. Basically, I am not confident in my ability to pick out gifts for people. My doubts probably go back to 7th grade when I gave my boyfriend a Garbage Pail Kid for Christmas and got teased.
We were looking to sell our house. My realtor came over, checked out my house, ran some comparables, did the math and gave me a figure of what he thought my house could sell for. My heart sunk. His number was $50,000 less than my friend’s home sold for just 2 years ago.