Eating Green

Growing up my mom’s idea of a vegetable was iceberg lettuce with ranch dressing on it. She still isn’t a fan of vegetables and neither am I, but like I tell my kids “sometimes we gotta do what we don’t wanna do, so we can do what we wanna do.”  Translated in this scenario: We eat vegetables that we don’t like, so we can live a longer, healthier, more active life.

So in honor of the green holiday, we are eating something green (and I ain’t talking jello…) every day until St. Patty’s day or maybe even the whole month of March   And since I have made a challenge of it and connected it to a holiday, my kids might just be willing to try more variety.

Here are 17 green healthy food ideas– one for every day until St. Patrick’s Day :


green beans






romaine lettuce

iceberg lettuce

granny smith apples

snap peas



brussel sprouts (uhgg…)

green peppers



There are even more green veggie options, but I was just trying to be realistic about what my kids would eat.

You should know I am not above a little butter, salt, cheese or ranch to be able to get these vegetables down.  My theory is to make the veggies taste good at first so the kids have a positive experience and then slowly make subtle changes and move towards even greater health.

Pinterest has been a great source to find new and yummy looking vegetable ideas.

Anyone else want to eat green with us this month?

3 thoughts on “Eating Green”

  1. Yea for avacados!!! I was eating them when everyone was saying they weren’t good for you. I’m waiting for the day that hamburgers are on the list.

  2. Try kale chips. Rip up some kale like you would lettuce for a salad. Toss with a little olive oil and sea salt and then bake at like 350 for about 8-10 min. My kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!! They don’t like much in the way of veggies!!

    1. Perfect timing Lisa. I am just starting K week and needed a healthy veggie idea. I can’t wait to try these. Thanks for the tip.

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