I Love You S’more!

Whenever my kids say, “I love you, mom”,  I reply, “I love you more“.  And at bedtime we go back and forth loving each other to the farthest away places we can think of– like “I love you to space and around the earth and then to Boise 10 times.” (Boise is far away when you are 4). We get as crazy as we can, but I always declare a tie in the end.  I think it started from the book “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney.

Anyway, I wanted to put a summer twist on our “I love you more” tradition (and hit an item on our summer bucket list).   So I bought stuff for s’mores.  Do you see where I’m going with this?

(We are going to try the flat marshmallows- we’ll see how it goes.)

Then I had my friend, Kelsie, over at Love, Kelsie Rae make me up a free printable that says “I love you s’more!”

You can print bigger tags that could tape to the front of the graham cracker box or you can print labels that wrap neatly around 1.55 oz Hershey bars.  Download your free printables here.

I plan to write, “up to the canyon and back” on the bottom of the tag and leave the s’mores goods on the kitchen table for the kids to see in the morning.

That night we will head up the canyon for s’mores because I really do love my kids s’more than they love me.  (Pics up the canyon to come….)


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