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Prompting or Just a Kind Thought?

Have you ever wondered, “How can I tell the difference between my own ideas and an actual prompting from the Holy Ghost?” I have tossed around this question for years. Understanding the language of the Holy Ghost has been a life-long pursuit, or at least an adult pursuit, and still…

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Let Go of the Bananas

Have you ever heard the story of the monkey that just won’t let go of the bananas? At the gist of this story is attachment. What are we not willing to let go of? What are we holding on to tightly that isn’t serving us? What ideas, programs, practices, hopes, dreams and expectations are jeopardizing our safety and our sanity?

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First Answer to Prayer

I was in the first grade, and I had lost a reading book that my teacher let me take home. The book was due back, but it was no where to be found. I looked and looked. Mrs. Johnson kept bugging me to return the book. I so wanted to please my teacher and felt terrible that I had let her down.

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My Wish for My Daughters

My 25-year-old self cannot believe I am writing this post. She would disagree with me whole-heartedly. She would say that my thinking is archaic and insulting. She would want me to write about a college education, self-confidence, happiness, or pursuit of dreams. She would be ashamed and disappointed in my 1950’s thinking. But my 25-year-old self, didn’t know Chad yet.

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A Couple’s Gospel Study Plan

Have you ever heard counsel or a suggestion in church and thought, “Yah, that’s never going to happen.” That’s kind of how I feel when I hear someone say that couples should study their scriptures together. I just can’t see that happening in the near future. However, I do see the value in being connected spiritually as a couple so Chad and I came up with our own gospel study plan:

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On Courage

Thank you to the phlebotomist that took my daughter’s blood yesterday. Not only was she kind, gentle, informative, patient, and helpful with my nervous little girl, but she taught me something about myself.

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