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What Went Well

I was listening to a radio program this weekend on the topic of happiness. The host mentioned that research indicates that people are happier when they focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses. So rather than always trying to improve themselves or work on their inadequacies, happy people spend time and energy and focus on what IS working in their lives.

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Last Saturday afternoon Chad lay on our bed. He planned to go running but made the mistake of lying down first. He was exhausted from a 2 week work trip to Hawaii. (I know, poor guy, right?) But the time difference, long work hours, and red eye flights really had taken their toll on him. He laid there torn between exercise and a nap. He said, “I really should go running, but I really want to just go to sleep.” Our schedule that day would not allow him to be able to do both. He had to make a choice.

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OK. I think I am ready to give myself permission. I am ready to commit. I am ready to say that I am homeschooling ALL of my kids this year. Last year when people asked me why I homeschooled Elle, my short answer was “personal revelation.” This year my short answer to this common question will be different.

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Raising Spouses

Elle asked me the other day if she could have a fireplace in her new bedroom if we build a house. I answered with a NO. I continued, “Even if I could afford it, I wouldn’t do it.” I responded, “I have an obligation to your future husband.”

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School starts up here in less than two weeks and I have yet to register my kids. I am strongly considering homeschooling all of them this year. I am giving myself a few more days to decide. Then I’ll have to sign papers either way to make it official. But before I can commit to bringing my children home, I would have to give myself permission for a few things:

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Pressure Valves

I have been reading an awesome book called “Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier and More Secure Kids.” The author is telling me everything I already believe: less toys, less books, less activities, less choices, less clutter, less ingredients, less distractions, less noise, etc. make for more secure, more connected, and more peaceful children.

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